905-734-7458 170 Wellington Street, Welland, ON, L3B 1B3


Scholarship Information

Eastdale offers many local automatic scholarships to students upon graduation.  These scholarship winners are determined by the Eastdale Scholarship Committee.
Students can research scholarships through the District School Board of Niagara web site. www.dsbn.edu.on.ca/Awards or please click on www.scholarshipscanada.com  for a huge data base which lists 28000 entrance scholarships.

If interested, please click on Storwell Foster Children's Bursary Program for a link to their application.

Scholarships can be an automatic consideration, meaning that an application is not necessary to be considered for the award. Students with an outstanding academic record (usually with an average above 75%) are granted a scholarship upon entrance to a school or specific program. Other factors such as the students involvement in extracurricular activities may play a role. In short,  you apply to a school and you are eligible automatically. All colleges and universities may have different conditions on the scholarship and this is indicated in their acceptance package. Colleges and Universities offer entrance scholarships to attract those students with high grades to increase the status of the school and therefore making a valuable contribution to their institution.

Students may apply for other scholarships where they meet the criteria. All students should apply for OSAP regardless of their eligibility.


 Some scholarships are based on whether the student has applied for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program).  Eastdale will have an OSAP representative at the school to give  information to students regarding the process. Additionally Eastdale will have Brock University and Niagara College representatives to give additional support for the OSAP application process.

There are scholarships out there for everyone. Scholarships are awarded at all levels for students of all disciplines and backgrounds.  Scholarships based on community involvement are for those students that are very active with in the school and community. 

Students with specific talents, hobbies, ethnic backgrounds, or family affiliations can meet award qualifications.

Students should check scholarship requirements closely. Students  should take the time to make sure the scholarship requirements meet their personal assets.

Deadlines for scholarships are very important.

Confirm the dates.

Students must prepare ahead of time. 

Reference letters may be required.

 (You should give your reference person at least one weeks notice)

Proof read your application package.

Spelling, grammar and sentence structure are very important. Before writing an application letter, students should know their assets and compile a list from their experiences; extra curricular activities, school events,  sporting events, coop placements, student council involvement and volunteer work.

There are many local scholarships available. A list of these scholarships is located in the guidance office in a current binder.  Additionally an information session will be offered by the guidance department to all graduating students. This date will be given in advance.

Students can research scholarships through the District School Board of Niagara web site. www.dsbn.edu.on.ca/Awards . The DSBN web site can lead students to many Scholarship and Financial Aid Links.  Be sure to check out  www.scholarshipscanada.com is a huge data base which lists 28000 entrance scholarships.

 If you find a scholarship in the data base that interests you, use this as a lead and find out more about the scholarship either by contacting the organization who offers it or by looking at their web site. Also on this web site there is assistance on how to apply for a scholarship

ie: How to write a letter to an administrator.

Additionally students should investigate if the company or organization you or your parents work for offer scholarships. Some companies do offer scholarships to the children of employees and these specific scholarships  are not advertised. Usually an employee can investigate these awards through a boss or the Human resource department.