905-734-7458 170 Wellington Street, Welland, ON, L3B 1B3

Transcripts and Official Letters

How to Request a Transcript or Official Letter

If you are a current Eastdale student or attended Eastdale within the past 5 years, please make your request through the guidance secretary in person, by phone (905-734-7458 ext. 61214), or by email here.

Please allow at least 24 hour processing for transcripts and 48 hours (two school days) for official letters. 

If you last attended Eastdale more than 5 years ago, you should reach out to the Transcript Services Department. You can find more information, including contact information, here.

If you went to another secondary school after Eastdale, please request your transcript from them. They will have the most up to date version of your transcript. Note: Adult learning centres that grant high school credits are considered secondary schools in this context.

Grade 11 and 12 Transcripts

The Ontario government has introduced full disclosure on high school transcripts to secondary schools across Ontario. This provides students who are working hard the opportunity to show post-secondary institutions an accurate reflection of their work habits and scholastic achievements.

Repeated attempts at senior level courses will be reflected on a student's transcript as well as the original mark. A student has five school days after receiving his/her mid-term report to withdraw from a course without having the withdrawal noted on his/her transcript. Should a student choose to withdraw after the aforementioned five days, the mark earned will be on the official transcript. Extraordinary circumstance may force a student to withdraw after the aforementioned five days. In certain cases, supported by appropriate documentation given to the Guidance Department a "S" indicator will appear on the transcript to signify extenuating circumstances.

If you have any questions about full disclosure on Ontario transcripts, please reach out to our guidance department.