Phone: (905) 734-7458
Fax: (905) 714-0655
School Contact concerning web site information : J. Mammoliti
Principal: Mr. J. Connor
Vice-Principal: Ms. K. Landon
Student Services: Mrs. S. McGlynn
Admin Secretary : Mrs. J. Mammoliti
Canadian & World Studies/Social Sciences Leader: Mr. A. Ventnor
English/Moderns Leader: Mr. S. Nadon
Guidance/Coop Leader: Mrs. S. McGlynn
Student Success Co-ord./ Physical Education/Arts Leader: Mr. R. Motola
Numeracy/Science Leader: Mr. T. Calford
Special Education/ Specialized School to Work Coord.: Mr. D. McCardle
Specialized School to Community Leader: Mr. S. Neamtu
Technology Leader: Mr. N. Lancione