905-734-7458 170 Wellington Street, Welland, ON, L3B 1B3

Attendance Policy

Eastdale Attendance Policy

Truancy (skipping class)

Students will be assumed to have been truant and recorded as such until the absence is deemed acceptable and is confirmed by the parent/guardian.  Students will be directed to the office at the beginning of each period should their previous days attendance remain unexplained.  The consequences for truancy will be enforced soon after re-entry.

Consequences for students who are truant from class:

  • It will be the sole responsibility of the student to obtain & complete missed work.
  • If the student missed an assessment/evaluation activity or assignment, it will be the teacher’s discretion whether the student will be allowed to submit it for evaluation.
  • The administration will assign a one hour detention for each truancy or other consequence as deemed appropriate.
  • If the student does not report to the assigned detention, administration will assign a one day in-school suspension.


 Students who are “On time” demonstrate responsibility, respect for rules and time management skills.

  • The bell will indicate the start of each period.  A student will be entered as “late” on their school attendance record if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings.
  • If a student is more that 5 minutes late, they will not be permitted to enter the classroom without and admit slip.  These students are to report directly to class after obtaining the admit slip from the main office.

 Consequences for students who are habitually late to any class

For any classes…

 6/9/12/15… lates = 1 hour detention

 IF the student does not report to the assigned detention, administration will assign a one day in-school suspension.

 18 lates and every 3rd afterwards = 1 hour detention + referral to admin.

 Administration may respond with, but are not limited, to the following:

Sending a student home

A formal suspension

Excessive Absences

 If a student misses ten(10) classes in a semester, the office my notify the parent (via mail) to express concern.

  • If a student misses fifteen (15) or more classes in a semester, the student will be referred to the school’s “In-School Team” to develop a plan of corrective action.  This action may include the student being removed from the course/school.